Finding A Bankruptcy Attorney For A New Year's Resolution

Now that 2011 is almost behind us and 2012 is being ushered in, many people will be facing the fact that they overspent during the holidays and might need to file for bankruptcy. Every year, people around the world look for grandiose resolutions to make for the New Year. Most individuals look for something that will change the past failure, while looking for a new beginning. The most common of New Year's resolutions are typically health related. Common promises people make include, losing weight, getting in shape, quitting smoking and drinking. There is a whole sector of the economy that thrives coming up to the New Year based on these empty promises.

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Recently, ever since the economic downturn, added to this list is debt elimination. Financial problems became front and center when it affected every American. Now, many people struggle through the holidays to have one more good Christmas and then file for bankruptcy in the new year. In 2012, many people will spend the beginning of their New Year looking for a bankruptcy attorney. In reality, getting your finances in order should probably be at the same level as taking care of your health. When a person struggles paying their bills, they usually live with a high level of stress. Personally, when I'm stressed I like to eat. When you eat too much, you get fat and a whole list of health problems can be a byproduct of this.

Taking a close look at your financial situation is not a bad thing and should be done regularly anyways. Most people know when debts are out of control, but choose to bury their head in the sand and continue on getting further in debt. That's why talking to a bankruptcy attorney for your New Year's resolution, might help solve a bigger problem before you move on and tackle something like weight loss.

When credit card debt gets out of control, there is usually no way out unless you win the lottery. Interest on credit cards will debilitate the debtor from ever being able to dig themselves out of the hole. A good rule of thumb is to add up all your credit card bills and figure out if you stopped charging now, how long would it take to pay them all off? If the answer is longer than five years, it's time to make the appointment with a bankruptcy attorney and see if filing bankruptcy might be in your future.

Don't worry about what the creditors will think, there is something much larger at stake. When it comes to your health and your family's future, filing bankruptcy will relieve the stress that crushing debt brings. When an individual has a large amount of credit card debt, typically, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy will suit the situation perfectly. To file Chapter 7 bankruptcy an individual needs to qualify and should talk to a bankruptcy attorney to make sure there are no other options.

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