Use Your Tax Refund for a Bankruptcy Attorney

Now that April 15 has come and gone, just about every American should have filed their taxes. People who are employed will usually get a refund. For those that are buried under a mountain of credit card debt, they should consider using their tax refund for filing bankruptcy. Many Americans are kicking the can down the road and paying minimum payments. Many use their tax refund to get caught up on back payments, only to end up upside down again in a few months. Some of these folks don't file for bankruptcy because they believe they don't have enough money to hire a bankruptcy attorney. They lived month-to-month robbing Peter to pay Paul. This is no way to live and what better time to file bankruptcy is when you get a lump sum of cash returned from the government.

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Recently, there was an article in USA Today stating that more than 200,000 households will use their tax refunds to pay for filing bankruptcy. It's no surprise because the economy is continuing to slide down a muddy slope. This time of the year is usually very busy for a bankruptcy attorney. Many people realize the financial difficulties they're having after doing their taxes. Many tax preparer's will even advise their clients on the idea of a bankruptcy filing as a way to curb their debt. For someone that has a tax refund coming, usually it would be enough to cover the cost of a bankruptcy attorney and filing fees.

The other time of the year that is big for filing bankruptcy is right after New Year's. Just as everyone knows, most people come up with some sort of New Year's resolution to improve on their life. Lately, financial matters have become front and center for most Americans. Not only are the people suffering, but the government is also buried in debt. It's no surprise that Americans have followed suit just as old saying goes, "When in Rome do as the Romans do."As of the end of 2011, the average American has $15,799 in credit card debt. As salaries continue to decline and debt ratios continue to rise, it's time to put a stop to it all.

People use every excuse in the book of why not to file bankruptcy. The bottom line is, it is usually pride. Some believe that if they just give it a little more time, something good will come into their lives that will allow them to get out of debt. That tax refund might just be the blessing in disguise so that person can hire a bankruptcy attorney, stop all the craziness and get out of debt. When you ask a bankruptcy attorney if they ever get any comments after the bankruptcy filing, they will usually say that the individual filing bankruptcy only wished they did it sooner.

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